
First page in a survey or diary

An introduction page is always the first page in a questionnaire and can be added only once to each questionnaire. It is used to inform the participants of a survey or diary about the purpose of the following questionnaire.

In the Opiria app, the introduction page is displayed when the participant opens the survey the first time. For surveys/diaries with multiple answers, the introduction page is not displayed again when opening the survey the next time. Instead, a "i" icon is displayed on the top right of the screen during the entire survey. Clicking on it opens the introduction page again. Thus, for diaries or surveys with a longer duration, the participants can recall at any time the initial information about the purpose of the survey.

To add an introduction to your questionnaire:

  1. Go to the DESIGN tab and click + in the Pages section

  2. In the question selection dialog, select Introduction and click ADD

  3. Configure the introduction page.

The introduction page has three configurable elements:

  • Introduction text: the text you want to communicate.

  • Details (optional): additional information to be communicate. Will be displayed in smaller font than the message text.

  • Media (optional): an image or video that will be displayed right below the text.

Example of an introduction page

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